Watch these stories. Be credible. Get in.
"So, why do you want to get an MBA?"
Whether you are considering an MBA or actively applying, you need to be able to answer this question. Learn about the variety of careers available to MBAs and figure out which one is best for you.
Use the same tools the pros use.
Hundreds of current first year MBA students at these and other top programs...

...right now are using Hedgehog Project stories to learn about these career paths...

Investment Banking

Management Consulting

Brand Management & Retail

General Management & Operations

Startups & Entrepreneurship

Strategy & Business Development

Social Impact & Non-profit

Watch these stories. Be credible. Get in.
Invaluable prep for your applications and interviews.
For a limited time, we are offering 1 year of deeply discounted access for only $49.95. (That's a savings of over 47%!)
What you'll hear in the stories:
Range of MBA career tracks
Learn about a wide range of post-MBA career tracks and understand your possibilities
Peek behind the curtain
Hear what drew people to their specific careers and how the reality has compared to their expectations
Typical day
Understand the day-to-day activities and challenges of each role and the skills required to succeed
Personal stories
Over 8 hours of stories from MBA alumni who want to pay it forward
"The best part was actually picturing myself in their shoes. I found myself wondering, do these business people solve problems that I would want to solve and do they seem excited and fulfilled?"
–Adam from the Virginia/Darden class of 2020
Watch these stories. Be credible. Get in.
Invaluable prep for your applications and interviews.
For a limited time, we are offering 1 year of deeply discounted access for only $49.95. (That's a savings of over 47%!)